On this tab, you can see the report displaying its current data. If you click on the Save icon, the report will be archived and stored under the Saved reports tab. If the
Print button is clicked, a standard printing dialog will be opened.
Many reports allow the displayed data to be exported into external files using various formats. This can be done by right‑clicking on a graph or table contained in the report, which will open a context menu offering the following options:
• Export to Excel - exports the data displayed by the given object to an XLSX spreadsheet.
• Export to CSV - exports data to a CSV file.
• Export to XML - exports data to an XML file.
After you select an action from the menu, your browser's standard file download dialog will pop up, letting you open or save the file with the exported data just like when downloading any other type of file.
Please note that the data export function may be disabled for some tables and graphs, depending on the configuration of the given reporting object.
More resources can be found in:
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Reporting -> Overview
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> UI data export